Financial Planning

Advice about all financial matters - goal setting and budgeting, identifying risk tolerance, broad portfolio design, referrals and/or fee analysis to/of accountants/estate lawyers/insurance agents/bankers/actuaries/etc., 529 (i.e. college savings) plan selection, retirement plan advice, etc. This is an ongoing service to clients that requires no additional fees beyond investment management fees.

Clients may log into Janian’s financial planning software at:

Our advice is integrated with investment management, potentially very broad - covering any financial matter that the client wishes - and VERY customized. Among other things, we have helped to: design and manage the vendors for a 401(k) plan; create the tax plan and organize the related documents for a rental housing business; organize the most tax-efficient distribution plan from a client’s various IRA and taxable accounts; set monthly spending budgets; think through the funding plans for special needs children; pursue law enforcement remedies for a client who was a theft victim; and been a sounding board for a sell/build decision for a client’s business.